Thursday, August 17, 2006

ESad, WHAT are you thinking?

I just can't see how this is going to be a good thing... Of course I'm going to be behind him in whatever car he drives... But this just can't be a good thing...


Trixie said...

Not sure what to think yet--just found out today about Elliott.

In internet..bought a day's worth of time so I could get my NASCAR fix.

Good thing I only bought a Elliott shirt...half off though. It was too cute to pass up.

Cassandra said...

I don't have a good feeling about it. But who knows, maybe it will turn out to be a good thing. Just hope they get the 19 team in better shape.

Rusty said...

I have a very, very bad feeling about it, but of course I wish him the very best of luck in whatver car he drives. This is the stupidest thing EVER, but I simply liked the number 38 better than I like 19. How dumb is that? My mom asked if he's now half the man he used to be...I sure hope not! :)

Anonymous said...

Just found your site, I didn't mean to steal your name! I didn't know..sorry. But anyway, I feel the same way about Esad, But..he will always be the candyman :-)

theStewartFan said...

We'll see what he can do with the parts that hit the floor off Kasey's car.